Dallas Churches

First Baptist Church

Address: 1707 San Jacinto St
Dallas, TX 75201

Website: firstdallas.org

Social Media Links: @firstdallascollege (instagram)

Worship Time(s): College group meets Sundays at 9:15 AM but our main services are at 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM

Worship Gathering Size: College - 60. Main Services - 3,000 (combined)

Worship Style: College - Bible Study/small groups. Main Service - worship, sermon, prayer, and scripture reading

Livestream Services? Yes

Church Demographics: Our church is extremely diverse in both ethnicity and ages

Spanish-speaking gatherings? Yes

What does it look like to be involved at your church? Serving, joining a Sunday school class, and attending services

College gatherings: We meet Sundays at 9:15 AM for College Group and Wednesdays at 7:30 PM for college and singles worship and hangout

What are meeting times and locations for college Bible studies, gatherings, etc.? both our Sunday 9:15 AM group and Wednesday 7:30 PM group meet at our church

Who should college students contact if they want more information about your church (name, number, email)? Jay Sedwick | College and Career Minister | jsedwick@firstdallas.org | 817-675-8977