Oak Cliff Churches

Cliff Temple Baptist Church

Address: 125 Sunset Ave Dallas, TX 75208

Website: clifftemple.org

Social Media Links: IG - @cliff_temple; facebook.com/clifftemplebaptistchurch

Worship Time(s): 11:00 a.m. Sunday

Worship Gathering Size: 300

Worship Style: Blended Worship - Traditional/contemporary

Livestream Services? Yes

Church Demographics: Multigenerational with a majority older. Multiethnic with 25% hispanic/latino 75% white.

Spanish-speaking gatherings? Yes

What does it look like to be involved at your church? Serving the local community and engaged in a small group.

College gatherings: Sunday night group. Camping Trips. Yearly mission trips.

What are meeting times and locations for college Bible studies, gatherings, etc.? Sunday night Neighborhood Group | 6:30 p.m. at 3456 Rugged Rd. Dallas, TX

Who should college students contact if they want more information about your church (name, number, email)? Trevor Jamieson | (281)723-9266 | trevor@clifftemple.org

Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship

Address: 1808 W Camp Wisdom Rd Dallas, TX 75232 United States

Website: https://www.ocbfchurch.org/

Introduction Video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cr00426xSaG/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

Social Media Links: Instagram

Worship Time(s): 8 AM and 11 AM

Worship Gathering Size: 3000-5000

Worship Style: Worship - Greeting - Announcements - Prayer/Communion - Worship - Sermon

Livestream Services? Yes

Church Demographics: Multiethnic (predominantly Black) and Multigenerational

Spanish-speaking gatherings? No

What does it look like to be involved at your church? Membership, Kingdom Servant, Fellowship

College gatherings: Friday Night Live, Joshua Project, 4th Sunday NextGen Service, Small Groups

What are meeting times and locations for college Bible studies, gatherings, etc.? Friday Night Live - every second Friday of the month @ 7pm Joshua Project - Tentative 4th Sunday NextGen Service - every 4th Sunday @ 11am Small Groups - Tentative

Who should college students contact for more information about your church (name, number, email)? Henry Lucas, 870-623-6395, hlucas@ocbfchurch.org / henrylucas16@gmail.com